Monday, November 28, 2011

Chögyal Namkhai Norbu - Garuda: Explanation of the practice and mudras

The explanation was given by Rinpoche in London 1984. It is given in Italian and translated into English by John Shane. Several pictures of the seed syllable and the deity have been added in the video as an aid for visualization.

In order to be able to receive this item you must have received the transmission of the Master. Or just download it from the link below. It´s from TheOccult.bullshitz and now accessible to all the World. The DVD is restricted, wich means that you need someone to initiate (or empower) you and much money to pay for very expensive Dzogchen items.

I already posted Garuda in the list of leaks from (TheOccult.bullshitz) but someone asked for it and now it's here again. Next one will be Ganapuja DVD by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu.

File name: Chogyal Namkhai Norbu - Garuda.mp4
File type: mp4
File size: 651 MB

It´s a DVDrip in mp4 format and you don't need any transmition or empowerment, just an internet connection and some patience to download the video from the link below:

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