Saturday, February 18, 2012

Tsele Natsok Rangdrol - The Circle fo the Sun (Scanned Version)


This is the scanned version of the same file already posted in this blog in OCR format.

There is a teaching which, if you are able to practice it intelligently and diligently, is a shortcut to enlightenment within this very body and lifetime, a magical staircase, a secret pathway, the quintessence of all the sutras, tantras and oral instructions, the ultimate view, meditation and action, the vital point of the ground, path and fruition and the victorious summit of all the vehicles. It is Trekcho and Thogal, the instructions of atiyoga.

This book, a profound guidance text written by the learned and accomplished Tsele Natsok Rangdrol, is concise, lucid and easy to practice.

The Circle of the Sun  would benefit everyone interested in the Dharma. The words are clear and easy to understand and lengthy scholarly expositions are not emphasized. This text, easy to comprehend and containing all the key points and very direct instructions, results from following the oral advice of a qualified master.

The most effective style of teaching for a practitioner in this dark age is not a lengthy scholarly explanation but a direct ‘guidance manual'. 'Guidance manual', triyik, means a short, comprehensive teaching.

Trekcho and thogal are the two main topics in this book. Trekcho is the main view in all the Eight Practice Lineages. Through trekcho, all the masters of the past attained enlightenment. Without the view of trekcho one doesn't reach the core of thogal practice. The thogal visions are  rigdang, 'manifestations of awareness', but lacking the correct view of recognizing rigpa, they become nothing but lungdang, 'manifestations of the karmic wind' - expressions of dualistic fixation. Recognizing rigpa is the key point in trekcho.

Thursday, February 16, 2012 shut down

The address has just one message in the last days:

Gigapedia is the entry door to one of the largest (and free) booksharing sites. The site operated for years just to providing reading to those that cannot (or don't want) to pay.

You can read more about this sad news in the article by Andrew Losowsky:

TorrentFreak also posted about the shut down:

Read and keep your eyes open. Government don't want people reading and learning for free. In the Middle Ages a copied work of art was a encomium to the artist, today is a easy way to court.

Stop and think by yourself, don't let the money owners think for you. Learn and spread the news, the way to knowledge is becoming dark and dark... but we have an answer: we will not stop because of publishers, fake and bad quality artists, Lamas and Priests, leaders and politicians!

The game is just beginning. Share everywhere!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

John Daido Loori - The Teachings are Everywhere (3 CDs)

Daido Roshi shakes us into an awareness of how available spiritual lessons are from the people we encounter in our daily lives. Bodhisattvas-individuals dedicated wholeheartedly to the awakening of all beings-hand us our dry cleaning, pull us back onto the curb, prepare our dinner, write out a speeding ticket. Are we aware of our interdependence with the rest of the world and the boundless generosity directed to us? Set of three CDs or cassettes.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Going to the Darkness: Phase 1

The first instruction of power:

  1. Go to and download Tor. Click in Download in the Home and choose your language in the next page (or let it as English to download the English version of Tor and Firefox).
  2. Double clicking the the downloaded executable. Tor does not require installation, jut an unpack, then just choose a place where the directory Tor Browser will be created. Tor will create the directory for itself alone in the specified place in your computer/laptop (or even in your USB flash drive).
  3. Enter in the Tor Browser directory and double click Start Tor Browser.exe
  4. Wait until completion, Firefox portable will open by itself. Just wait!
  5. Go to (copy and paste this address): http://dppmfxaacucguzpc.onion/
    Just navigate using the links from the hidden site/service above.
  6. After some navigation, visit The Hidden Wiki: http://nhxjvwasem5c7kdc.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
  7. Dont't forget this page: http://nhxjvwasem5c7kdc.onion/wiki/index.php/Anonymous_Communications
  8.  Just close Firefox and Tor/Vidalia will close too.
Simple! Perfect tool! Habituate yourself in the Deep Web. It's a powerful place, full of people and secret sites/services. Just navigate for now, and wait for the second instruction of power. Take the power in your hands!

    News from the Front

    In the past they burnt books, today they burn websites. In the past we had Inquistion, today we have DMCA. Don't let the art and knowledge be a toy to the financial elite. Fight back! Be anonymous, be freenet, be dangerous and be open. The war is just beginning.


    Pirate Bay Verdict SignalsThreat Of Huge New Anti-Piracy Campaign

    Today’s Supreme Court rejection against The Pirate Bay signals the start of a new campaign targeting 150 file-sharing sites, say anti-piracy figures. A lawyer for the Hollywood movie studios says she expects Swedish sites and those providing them with infrastructure will stop their activities today. Antipiratbyran say they will take legal action against those that don’t.