This series is designed to reflect the magical teachings and philosophy of the Hermetic tradition. It explores the techniques used in ceremonial magick and includes practical ritual advice for the working magician. Book 1 explores how and why the process of divination works, traditional techniques of Tarot and geomancy (along with new information on both), new Tarot spreads, historical information derived from the actual Tarot readings of an original member of the Golden Dawn, and explorations of both Roman and Graeco-Egyptian divination techniques.
Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero are Senior Adepts of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. They share an enthusiasm for the esoteric arts. They live in Florida with their cat, Lealah, where they work and practice magic.
Sandra Tabatha Cicero is a Senior Adept of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and holds a bachelor's degree in Fine Arts.
The book contains material about Tarot, Tarot spreads, geomancy, ritual divination, divination and psychology, a theory of divination by Sam Webster and what to do for an oracle addiction, gypsy runes and much more. Articles by very known authors like Gareth Knight, Mary K. Geer, Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki, David Godwin, Donald Michael Kraig and Chris Monnastre.
Reading this book is like attending a great instructional seminar on divination. (Donald Tyson)